Hey everyone! I'm only two days late with my first blog. I'm off to a good start!
Blog #1 For Lezlie
Topic: Ramblings from someone who doesn't want to go shopping.
What makes me happy? Knowing that school starts next week for my kids and the electronic games will be all but banished. That's what makes me happy today. We really do work better on a schedule. I go back to work too, I work in an elementary office part time and I'm the PTA president. PTA isn't my dream job, but it brings a lot of important things to my kids that they otherwise wouldn't have. I have met so many amazing people through PTA. Do you volunteer? Please do! Parents & Grandparents, the kids need you! Go read with them, make copies for the teachers, help with science or art projects. Be involved!
Okay, I'm off the soap box now. It's slippery up there.
I really do need to go to the store. My hair dryer broke. My daughter lost the hair brush. And my roller brush broke too. And my daughter picked one pair of pants "Size 1 short" on accident. The size one boggles my mind, but she tried on one color at the store and it was perfect. Gets home tries on the others, 3 inches too short. Sigh, back to that store too. And the camping trip this weekend is looking a bit wet. Do they have umbrellas big enough to cover an entire tent, table and a hammock?
My Christmas pamphlet, Snow Angels, went to print last week! It comes out in October.
Rambling must end, time to go. My hair is finally about half dry. :-)
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